Monday, July 23, 2007


So this code I'm working through (it was supposed to be a trivial exercise in fixing brace style) has turned into a nightmare. I can understand when people copy and paste some code. Maybe copying and pasting the same code twice or three times is OK, although three times is stretching it. BUT GODDAMN IT, MUST THE SAME DAMN CODE BE COPIED 23 TIMES????

And it's not just one function it's more like 8 functions copied and slightly modified (or not modified) all over the place. If this had to be done at the beginning because there was no time to refactor, __NOW__ is the time to refactor because any bugs that come up (will need to be fixed 23 times. And I guarantee that at least of those bugs will be missed.

Parameterize, abstract, and remove redundancy. Dammit.

Oh yeah, that's Don't Repeat Yourself.

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