Monday, January 24, 2011

Bloom facebook photo uploader problem -- screenshot

java web start console output is at:


Bopolissimus X Platypus said...

java web start console output is at:

Bopolissimus X Platypus said...

Many thanks to Carl Antaki. I created this blog post as a convenient way to post that screenshot.

Carl replied by email very quickly and pointed out the problem. I needed to have /var/log/BloomLog.log be writable.

I *thought* I'd tried

sudo touch /var/log/BloomLog.log
sudo chmod a+rwx /var/log/BloomLog.log

but that hadn't done anything.

Tonight I tried:

sudo mkdir /var/log/BloomLog.log
and the chmod and Bloom now works.

I don't know why it used to work and then stopped working though. I don't remember creating that directory previously, nor was /var/log ever mode a+rwx before.