Thursday, February 02, 2012

Binding host directories to container directories in lxc with lxc.mount.entry

I'm very happy about lxc.mount.entry in lxc containers (working in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric host, not tested on older hosts since I don't have any around).


lxc.mount.entry=/home/[user]/[some_directory] /var/lib/lxc/[container_name]/rootfs/home/[user]/[some_directory] none defaults,bind 0 0

That lets me mount a directory on the host (/var/lib/lxc/**/[some_directory]) inside the container somewhere (in this example,

I'd tried something like that with samba but had instability problems so gave up. Most of the time it would work fine, but sometimes (I never had the time or inclination to figure out why) something in samba would get out of sync and I'd not be able to write new files from the LXC container, delete files, etc.

Samba does have an advantage in that the UIDs don't have to be the same since you specify which user the files will be mounted by locally. But it's easy enough to synchronize UIDs between host and container.

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