Thursday, April 11, 2013

Alfresco 4.2.c manager/html fix

I've had problems with Alfresco 4.2.c (bundle) because I couldn't get to the tomcat manager.

After editing tomcat-users.conf to add the manager-gui role and a user with the manager-gui role, I still couldn't get to the manager. The browser would jump straight to the Unauthorized page instead of first showing a dialog box for basic auth.

 Thanks to sujaypillai's fix it turns out that the default tomcat configuration in the bundle is broken. Sujay Pillai pointed out the solution. In tomcat/conf/context.xml, comment out the whole securePagesWithPragma valve block.
I thought setting securePagesWithPragma="true" would do the same thing, but it doesn't. Just comment it out then. Then restart, of course.

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