Saturday, January 28, 2006

clickthecity - damn slow

It's a lazy saturday and I decided to surf over to Click The City to see what movies are showing this week.

The front page loads *very* slowly. Some of that is "Waiting for", which is their advertising site, I suppose. they need to make that server either much faster, or (more likely), optimize the programs that choose the ads to show. I clicked on a link and now it's been waiting for spots for 2 minutes. Not only are they losing the customer because he closes the window, they're losing me forever because I won't deal with a site that makes me wait that long.

When I got to the movies page, finally, I decided I'd right click on a film and open in another tab so that the information about the film would load slowly in another tab and I could continue looking at the current page. But they probably have some sort of javascript (too lazy to look at the source) that disables right click. They want you to surf their slow site in only one window. Of course that doesn't stop me, I just copy the URL, open a new tab and paste the URL there. but that's just pissing me off, giving me more reason never to visit their slow, stupid and fascist site ever again.

Huh, still waiting for That's it, 5-8 minutes waiting for ads is just too much. I'll fix my DNS so that never ever resolves. Idiots.

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